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The Sustainable Philosophy. 

Divine Sustainability – that is the philosophy for the 21st century.  Spirituality, sacred geometry, the elements, and sustainable life practices such as permaculture, biotecture, and alternative energy all play their parts.  With so many potential disasters looming on the horizon, like over-population, peak oil, shortages of healthy food, global warming/climate change, and others, sustainability is the only philosophy that will ensure the survival of mankind.  Divine Sustainability includes the spiritual aspect to ensure a true balance and symbiosis with Mother Earth.


Tenet 1. Spirituality


The foundation of Divinum Sustinieri, which is a Latin mish-mash for ‘divine sustainability’, is the spiritual element.  It doesn’t matter whether you are Christian, Muslim, Hindi, Buddhist, Pagan, Wiccan, or any other religion.  Dogma plays no role whatsoever in this philosophy.  You only need to have a spiritual belief of some kind.  As long as you believe in Divinity the other elements of the philosophy will fall in line.  This philosophy is one of balance and symbiosis.  You also need to be open to the concept of duality – of masculine and feminine energies, negative and positive, yin and yang.

Tenet 2. Sacred Geometry


The second attribute of the philosophy is sacred geometry.  This is a geometric progression which creates the Vesica Piscis, the Egg of Life, the Flower of Life, the Tree of Life, and Metatron's Cube (which contains within it the Five Plutonic Solids - the five elements of Nature).  This is the geometry of creation itself.  It can be measured.  It is quantifiable.  Whether it is in the natural world around us or in the internal organic body.  It all starts with sacred geometry.  Many organized religions already know about this.


Tenet 3. The Elements


The third aspect of the philosophy is closely tied to sacred geometry, but must be its own subject.  These are the elements - the Five Plutonic Solids of Sacred Geometry (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit - also known as aether or prana).  Learning about the elements can be complicated.  There is definite structure related to each element and must be learned sequentially.  Each element has its own relationships and positive or negative/masculine or feminine properties.  In this respect, the study of the Elements is akin to Feng Shui.


As humans, we are made out of the same materials as everything else on this planet.  If people learn how the elements work in nature and attune themselves with them in their ecosystems, they can live symbioticly with the Earth.  The Earth is a part of humanity and people are part of the Earth.  That connection can be kinetic, empathic, or intelligent.  If you need any more proof, research the scientific field of Noetics as well.


Tenet 4. Sustainable Life Practices​

The last aspect of Divinum Sustinieri is that of sustainable life practices, such as permaculture, biotecture, and alternative energy.  This is where what you’ve learned about spirituality, sacred geometry, and the elements come into practice. 


Permaculture teaching care of the Earth, care of people, and to share the surplus of what you reap.  This is a conscious design of an ecosystem – an intentional design of a person’s environment for maximum agricultural yeilds for the minumum amount of energy.


Biotecture (sustainable building) teaches people to build their homes in a neutral or even negative carbon balance using recycled materials or materials that can be found in the place you are building.  Some of these techniques are earthships and houses made out of cobb, earthbrick, earthbag, strawbale, and cordwood houses.


Some alternative enegy systems include solar, wind, hydro, and trompes.  New methods of sustainable energy production are being invented or discovered at an incredible rate, though.

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